
To what the web was meant to be.

Not this website, I don't claim to be the epitome of web design.

But it definitely wasn't meant to be the SEO'd drivel that it has become.

Or just a source for training material for Large Language Models

(although I suppose this will be used anyway...)

Or more likely, no one will ever read this...

The web was a place for nerds to share their thoughts and passions.

You had to know HTML, struggle with FTP settings, and a lot of interacting with virtual user interfaces.

And you know what?

It still is

This is all handwritten HTML.

I know you were wondering.

It's much harder to a be a nerd now.

Now everyone wants to sit inside, staring at screens, playing videogames and knowing way too many details about fictional worlds.

To be a true nerd, you have try much harder.

But I'm trying

I have real, working replica ocarinas. I run Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. I read a lot. I curate retro computing technology. I built a replica of Chewbacca's bowcaster out of parts I printed on my own 3D printer.

Is it enough?

I must be getting old. At thirty...something, there's no template for an aging nerd.

I'll write some CSS later and give the site a design.

I promise

Until then, black on white will have to do.

So, I actually didn't wait that long to write some CSS. But it's still black on white.

Here's some things.